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Stem Cell 主编Miodrag Stojkovic教授、纽卡斯尔大学Majlinda Lako教授访问苏州纳米所
2011-09-16| 文章来源:生物医学部 陈彩霞| 【

9月14日上午,应纳米生物医学部邀请,Stem Cell 主编Miodrag Stojkovic教授、纽卡斯尔大学Majlinda Lako教授前来我所参加苏州纳米生物医学高端访谈,并分别做系列报告四《Human stem cell research and regenerative medicine 》和系列报告五《Applications of human pluripotent stem cells for understanding our early development and disease》。报告会由纳米生物医学部主任戴建武研究员主持,相关科研人员和学生聆听了报告。

Miodrag Stojkovic教授作报告

Majlinda Lako教授作报告



Professor Miodrag Stojkovic is a brilliant Serbian researcher in genetics with the Institute of Human Genetics at Newcastle University. He holds a PhD from the Ludwig–Maximilians University in Munich. As of January 2006, he is Deputy Director of the Prince Felipe Research Centre and head of its Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory in Valencia, Spain.

Professor Miodrag Stojkovic’s research is focused on the following key areas: ⅰ) Derivation, growth, differentiation, and transplantation of human embryonic and adult stem cells (spinal cord injury model); ⅱ) Nuclear transfer technique; ⅲ) In vitro production and micromanipulation of mammalian gametes and embryos; ⅳ) Biology of mammalian embryos and stem cells; ⅴ) Reprogramming of adult cells. He led his research group that first announced derivation of pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESC) from non-viable early human embryos that had stopped their cleavage. The technique and stem cells derived with it are now being used to better understand and fight debilitating diseases.

Majlinda Lako serves as associate editor of Regenerative Medicine journal and panel member for CGD TRUST. She holds a PhD from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998.

Majlinda Lako’s main research interests are focused on five key stem cell areas, namely: (i) understanding of self renewal in human pluripotent stem cells; (ii) generation of functional and transplantable blood cells from human pluripotent stem cells and (iii) clinical  translations of our basic biology studies to treat corneal and retinal blindness. Over the last 5 years, her researcher group has been able to establish a very efficient model of human ESC differentiation to haematopoietic lineages and retinal photoreceptors cells. Using this differentiation model, the team has established a transcriptional network which they are using to understand the role of key transcription factors and miRNAs that govern directed differentiation. Her group in collaboration with Dr Lyle’s Armstrong’s group has now established more than 100 iPSC lines using various integrative and non integrative methods.

版权所有:中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 备案序号:苏ICP备10220403号-2
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